Finally Friday

Yesterday was an adventure … Reesie’s tire on her little Miata blew out en route to her train to NYC.  Left the Miata at the gas station, daughter picked us up and we made the train station in time.  Whew.

Then I had to get her donut put on, drive over and get a new tire. Long day.

Today started a little more quietly…then Reesie called from NY …she needed shot record request put in with the health dept back in Ohio ASAP!  Long weekend.  EEEK!  and all that stuff 🙂  Got it done.

Work.  Which was AMAZING and fun and totally one of the the most gorgeous summer days imaginable.  Bright blue skies, golden sunshine and just the perfect small breeze from offshore.  We got loads of topsoil and plants and pots and worked in the gardens till almost 8:30!  Now I am dirty, happily tired, and have the house picked up, dishes done, AJ and critters all fed. Life is good.

Sooo… on to FANTASY FRIDAY!  finally heard from one of my beta readers that he is immensely enjoying reading about the wicked Queen ‘taking the measure’ of my man (Khyr)  He is so naughty he makes me laugh. Fingers crossed he likes the story and has good input on how I can make it even better.  (as opposed to “hide it under the bed and pray no one finds it”, LOL)

This reminds me of my ‘Lady of the Fire’  …

Fire Abide with Me - by a very talented artist from Japan. Kiyo Murakami

What fun

It has been a couple of crazy busy days….but such fun.

Yesterday was DeeDee picking murals for the toddler bedroom….this lovely tree branchs with leaves and birds that stretched 2/3 the length of the wall!  Then another tree that came up from the floor and ended in all these gorgeous pink cherry blossom style flowers,  I loved making them and they bring such a fantasy, friendly forest feeling to the room.  The other side, appropriately enough, is Winnie the Pooh…so here we have created a little girl’s 100 Acre Woods 😀

Meriill got a new cabinet for his electronics…such an improvement over the very modern glass shelves previously used. They didn’t fit the ‘feel’ of his Man Cave… or the decor.  Plus they left all those ugly cords out in plain sight.  Downside to the new set up? taking everything apart, squeezing my butt back under the table and behind the cabinet, and thinking by any stretch of the imagination I could help figure out what went where!  LOL!  Still, he was very patient… no I said MSI2 not USB… and eventually… VOILA!  all things connected and … gasp! working!

Today was spagetti pizza (a lovely way to slide that spagetti squash right on past ’em) at our house.  And I brewed a big pitcher of sweet tea…which will last till tomorrow.  Big tea drinkers in this family.  No idea what tomorrow holds, but sure to be different.

I hope to finish taking the last of the pine mulch out to the back bed I am working on, so that, come the first of the month, I will be ready to plant it.  Also wandered over to Hyams and checked out the new plants.  Spring fever is fast upon me, fellow gardners.  So many plants.  So little time.