Sometimes it Storms…

Today was one of those days.  The hurricane (category 1 barely qualifies for more than a sneeze) mellowed down to a tropical storm.  Plenty of rain, wonderful gusting wind, some minor flooding…all in all, just a lovely storm.

The kids and I played in the rain flooded streets.  We sat on the porch and watched the lightning, reveled in the wonderful soft breezes, listened to the crack of branches breaking and falling, and when the rain came in sheets enjoyed having our own personal waterfall 😀

The yard is well watered, the garden and fruit trees will be rejoicing.  Just a lovely  lovely day as summer winds away and autumn swift approaches.  I hope your day was as sweet.

Welcome September

August raced through the Lowcountry, chasing the long, sultry days of July into the arms of autumn.  September breezed in with our first tropical storm of the season.

No school tomorrow…Friday….since Charleston schools are closing in anticipation of the flooding.  Makes my boys happy.  A four day weekend!  YAY!